

To access the Subscription section, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the sidebar on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Look for the "Subscription" tab.
  • Click on the "Subscription" tab.

Welcome to the subscription section. Here, you can manage your subscription for dashboard access. This documentation will guide you through the process of choosing a plan, upgrading or downgrading your subscription, and completing the checkout process to make the payment securely.

Step 1: Choose the Plan that's right for you:
On the Subscription page, you will see three options to select from:
a. Monthly Plan
b. Quarterly Plan
c. Yearly Plan

Each plan offers different features and benefits. You can see the corresponding prices for each plan based on the features they provide. The available options are:

Carefully review the features and prices of each plan to determine which one best suit your needs.
Once you have decided on the plan, click on the corresponding plan.

Step 2: Checkout
After selecting the desired plan, you will be redirected to the Checkout page.
On the Checkout page, you will see a "Pay Now" button. Click on this button to proceed with the payment process.

  • Payment Method: The default payment method will be "Pay with Card."
  1. Contact Information: Fill in your email address and contact number in the provided fields. Make sure to use a valid email address as important subscription-related notifications will be sent to this email.
  2. Card Information: Enter the following details of the card you want to use for payment:
    Card Number
    Expiration Date
    CVV (Card Verification Value)
    Name on card
  3. Billing Address: Provide your billing address details by following these steps:
    a. Choose your country from the drop-down menu.
    b. Enter the address in the designated text field.
  4. Business Purchase (Optional): If you are purchasing the subscription on behalf of a business, you can select the "I am purchasing as a business" checkbox.
  5. GSTIN Information: If you selected the "I am purchasing as a business" checkbox, you will be required to provide the GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) information. Fill in the following details:
    a. Business Name
    b. GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number)
    Review your order details and verify that all the information provided is accurate.
    Click on the I agree to Assiduus Distribution Pvt Ltd’s Terms of services and privacy policy. Checkbox.
    Carefully review the total amount and the details of your purchase.
    If everything looks correct, click on the "Subscribe" button to complete the payment.

Now, we will cover the fields and information associated with your subscription, including the Selected Plan, Subscription Type, Merchant Type, Last Payment Date, Next Payment Date, and Template Tabs. By understanding and utilising these fields effectively, you can have full control over your subscription and make informed decisions regarding your dashboard access.

  • Contents:
    a. Selected Plan
    b. Subscription Type
    c. Merchant Type
    d. Last Payment Date and Next Payment Date
    e. Template Tabs
    a. Selected Plan: The Selected Plan field indicates the specific subscription plan you have chosen for your dashboard access. It represents the level of features, functionality, and resources available to you. It is essential to review and understand your Selected Plan to ensure it meets your business requirements and provides the desired access to the dashboard features.
    b. Subscription Type: The Subscription Type field refers to the nature of your subscription, such as monthly, Yearly, or any other specific subscription duration. This field helps you identify the duration for which your subscription is valid and the associated billing cycle. Understanding your Subscription Type is crucial for managing your subscription renewal or cancellation effectively.
    c. Merchant Type: The Merchant Type field denotes the category or classification of your business. It helps define the specific features and capabilities available to your account based on your business type. This field assists in tailoring the dashboard access and functionality to suit the specific needs of your business.
    d. Last Payment Date and Next Payment Date: The Last Payment Date field indicates the date when your most recent payment for your subscription was processed. This field provides you with visibility into your payment history. On the other hand, the Next Payment Date field displays the date when your next payment is due. It serves as a reminder for upcoming payments and helps you plan your subscription management accordingly.
    e. Template Tabs: Template Tabs refer to the customizable sections within your dashboard that allow you to organise and display information based on your preferences. These tabs provide a structured layout to manage and access specific data related to your operations. You can customise the template tabs to include Seller Sales, Vendor Sales, Seller Advertisement, Seller Analytics, Vendor Advertisement, Vendor Analytics, or any other relevant details that assist you in monitoring and optimising your business performance.