Products - Reviews


The Reviews feature allows you to keep track of your top-rated and worst-rated products. Additionally, you can download all reviews for further analysis or to use them in your marketing efforts. To effectively use the Reviews feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Products section.
  2. Select the "Reviews" option.
  3. The system will display a list of products along with their corresponding ratings and reviews.
  4. Sort the products based on rating to identify the top-rated and worst-rated products.
  5. Click on a specific product to view the detailed reviews associated with it.
  6. To download all reviews, click on the "Download" button. The system will generate a file containing all the reviews for your reference.
  • Country selection: - In the top right corner, you'll find a drop-down menu that allows you to select your preferred country. This ensures that you see reviews relevant to your region.
  • Latest Review Table: - A table displays the latest product reviews. You can filter these reviews based on various criteria, such as marketplace (Amazon or Flipkart), brand, and search by ASIN/FSN.
  1. Marketplace Selection: - Inside the table, there is a dropdown menu that allows you to choose between Amazon and Flipkart, enabling you to filter reviews by marketplace.
  2. Brand Selection: - Use the dropdown menu to select a specific brand and view reviews related to that brand.
  3. Search by ASIN/FSN: - Utilize the search bar to find reviews by entering ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) or FSN (Flipkart Serial Number).
  4. Table Columns: - The table displays the following columns for each review:
    ASIN, Name, Rating, Title, Review, Date, Location.
  • Data at Your Fingertips: - We provide the option to download review data for your convenience. Here's how you can do it:
  1. Click on the "Download" button, which is located on the right side of the Latest Reviews table.
  2. This action will open the "Download Reviews" form, where you can specify the following parameters:
    a. Brand: Select the desired brand from the dropdown menu.
    b. Country: Choose your preferred country.
    c. Marketplace: Select the marketplace (Amazon or Flipkart).
    d. SKU: Pick the SKU from the dropdown menu.
    e. From Date: Use the calendar to select the start date.
    f. To Date: Choose the end date.
  3. After specifying these parameters, click the "Download" button to generate and download the review data.
  • Customer Sentiments: - In the "Customer Sentiments (AI Powered) (Last 30 Days)", you can gain insights into customer sentiments over the last 30 days. Here's how to use this feature:
    a. Platform Selection: Choose between Amazon and Flipkart to filter sentiments by platform.
    b. Sentiment Selection: Select "Positive," "Negative," or "All" to filter sentiments based on their polarity.
    c. Brand Selection: Use the dropdown menu to filter sentiments by a specific brand.
    d. Search by ASIN/FSN: Enter an ASIN or FSN in the search bar to view sentiments related to a particular product.