Performance - Goals


To access the Goals subsection, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the sidebar on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Look for the "Performance" tab.
  • Click on the "Goals" subsection.

The Goals feature allows you to set specific targets for your KPIs and receive alerts when predefined criteria are met. By setting goals, you can easily track the performance of your online store and identify areas that require attention.

  1. To get started, navigate to the top right corner of the page. You'll find a dropdown menu that allows you to select the country for which you want to track performance metrics. Choose the desired country from the list to proceed.
  2. Once you've selected the country, you'll see an "Add Goal" button. Click on this button to proceed to the next page.

On the next page, you'll find the fields to fill out the Goal details:

  1. Goal Name: Enter a descriptive name for your goal. This name should help you easily identify the purpose of the goal.
  2. Brand: Select the brands from the dropdown menu for which you want to set the goal.
  3. Country: Select the country from the dropdown menu.
  4. Marketplace: Select the specific marketplace from the dropdown menu within the chosen country.
  5. Select Metric: Choose the metric that you want to track for this goal.
  6. Enter Goal Value: Input the target value or number you want to achieve for the selected metric.
  7. Adding Filters: To add filters to your goal, click the "Add" button. This will open two additional fields: a. Select Dimension: select the dimension for which you want to apply a filter. This helps narrow down the goal's scope. b. Click to Enter Value: Enter the specific value for the selected dimension to apply as a filter. Save: Once you've set your filters, click "Save" to apply them to your goal.
  8. Goal Type: Select the type of goal you want to create: a. One-Off: If you choose this option, you will be prompted to select a "From" date and a "To" date from the given calendar. Additionally, you can set the "Alert Frequency" to receive notifications on your progress. The available options for Alert Frequency are daily, weekly, or monthly. b. Recurring: If you select this option, the goal will be ongoing without a specific end date. you can set the "Alert Frequency" to receive notifications on your progress. The available options for Alert Frequency are daily, weekly, or monthly.
  9. Save or Cancel: After filling in all the required details, you can click "Save" to create the goal and add it to your performance tracking. If you change your mind or want to start over, click "Cancel."